Slot Receivers in the NFL
In computer science, a slot (plural: slots) is one or more locations on a disk where data can be stored. Each location may contain one or more file sectors, each containing one or more pages of data. Depending on the file system in use, each slot is either read or written by a separate program. In general, the data on a disk is stored as a stream of bits, and each bit corresponds to a physical location on a single cylinder of the disk, which is also referred to as a track.
In the NFL, the Slot receiver is a specific position that’s a variation of the Wide Receiver position. Rather than lining up a few steps off the line of scrimmage, like other Wide Receivers do, the Slot receiver lines up slightly in the backfield and takes on a more flexible role. They need to have great speed, good hands, and precise routes, which makes them a valuable part of an offense.
While the position has become much more popular in recent years, the concept of a Slot receiver has been around for decades. Some of the most famous examples of this position include Wayne Chrebet (580 receptions, 7,365 yards, and 41 touchdowns over an 11-year career) and Wes Welker (903 receptions, 10,205 yards, and 65 touchdowns over a 12-year career). Slot receivers are especially important on running plays because they are in a spot that’s crucial for success on sweeps and slants.