What Are Slot Machines?
A narrow depression, perforation, or slit, especially one for receiving something, as a coin in a slot machine. A position in a schedule or sequence: The program was scheduled to be in the eight-o’clock slot.
A device or position for holding coins or tokens in a machine, such as a coin-machine or vending machine. A narrow opening in a piece of machinery for insertion of a key or other part: A slit in the side of an airplane’s wing used to guide airflow over the control surfaces.
The chance of winning a particular slot game. Slot machines have various odds for different symbols, and these are usually printed on the machine or nearby. These odds are not subject to change even when a jackpot hits.
In aviation, a time period when a plane may take off or land at an airport for planned operations. In addition to the airport’s runway and taxiway capacities, slots are also limited by the amount of available runway length and weather conditions.
A feature of Dialog Engine that allows you to map entity values and their synonyms to slot types, allowing the bot to understand when a user says multiple words or phrases that match your specified slot type. To add a synonym to a slot type, click the Edit Slot Type link and then select the Synonyms tab.
A slot is a dynamic placeholder that waits for or calls out for content (depending on whether the scenario in which it is placed uses an Add Items to Slot action or a targeter). The contents of a slot are dictated by a repository item that either points to a set of content (a passive slot) or by a renderer that specifies how the slot content will be presented to the page.